Sunday 11 October 2015

Creature character silhouettes

One of our assignments was to create character silhouettes that resembled crustacean creatures. We were tasked with making at least three creatures that had some features of crustacean creatures or resembled them in a way. Each character had to be detailed and make using the silhouette technique. 

First I blocked out the characters using a black brush, to get the general shape of the creatures that I was going to create. Once I was happy with how they would look I then moved onto the next step.

After the blocking was done I then added a shade of grey as background, that enabled me to add detail.

I then added detail using a black brush, I added in line and other details to help give the monster some identity. Using a different shade of grey I added in other details such as eyes and other features. For the creatures I added in detail that resembled other crustacean creatures. For example the first monster has features that resemble lobsters, the second crabs, and the third shrimp.

Still doing this I then added in more detail and light grey around the edges to give off the effect of a reflection.

For the last stages I then added in a red background and shadow to the drawings.

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