Sunday 11 October 2015

Weapons drawing

For one of our assignments we were tasked with designing a weapon and creating a moodboard.

Below is the moodboard that I drew inspiration from, I gathered various weapons and guns from different videogames such as Ratchet and Clank, resistance, and Wolfenstein. 

One the moodboard was made I sketched a few weapon ideas in my sketchbook. 

All the gun sketches here were intended to be futuristic. The first weapon is intended to be a assault rifle of sorts with multiple barrels, the second a shoulder mounted mini gun with rockets, and the third a hand held tazer. 

For the final part of the assignment I was tasked with making a side view image of a futuristic weapon. 
At first I started out doing a silhouette of the weapon before adding detail. One the weapons shape was decided apon I then set to work on the main colour, before then adding detail. 

Once I was happy with the colours of the weapon I then added detail using black lines. After that I added more things like orange colours and small details like shadows and a screen. 

After that was all done I then finished off the weapon and made sure no colours were extruding from the outlines around the gun.

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