Thursday 31 March 2016

2D game assignment Dev Blog - Week 2

Since our first week we started to work on the game. I assigned tasks to different people in the group based on what needed to be done. Warren was set to do the main menu, Irina more character concepts for the villains and enemies, and Paris was tasked to make a pickup script. We also had a new group member, Ray. Ray was tasked to make pickup icons for the game, while I set myself to make movement scripts for the character as no one else said they were confident with scripting. 

The first thing I set out to do was to make a movement script for the character, at the time I had a lot of problems. First thing was I had no clue what so ever how to code. I made a trigger work once on my own and that was it. Yes. One trigger. 

So as you can imagine I ran into a lot of trouble trying to get the character to move. Ages was spent trying to figure out how to actually apply force in one direction. The main problem was that I had no clue how to go about this as I was new to scripting. 

It took roughly three days of trail and error before I said "fuck it"and copied lines of the script that were used in a standard unity project, and wrote them out in my project.

I the end I (somehow) managed to get the player to move, so now the player could jump around and stuff woo yay wow well done yippie yay.


Also I went about making some more concept art images for the game. The first one was a concept of what one level in the game could be like, while the second was a cover for the game itself.

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