Friday 25 March 2016

Personal work, Fallout mod concept art

While eagerly awaiting the release of the mod tools for Fallout 4 I have been dabbling with some ideas to make into a mod for the game. One idea that I'm very keen on making is a mod that tells the story of the Enclave, a faction in the Fallout universe.

For one level of the mod the player would be chasing some enemy soldiers from the Brotherhood of Steel (Another faction in the game) By vertiberd. Although they would be close to catching the BOS soldiers, they would be then led into a sandstorm and would be forced to fly though it.

God I love landscape drawings.
Hopefully this idea would become reality, especially with Fallout 4's engine having major technical upgrades from Skyrim. That being said I'm not sure the creation kit engine would be able to handle a seamless scene change like this without messing it up. 

It would be cool to see this happen, a moment in the mod that will make players shout out "Holy shit!" when the sandstorm first appears on screen, just like in Mad Max; Fury Road. 

You can't blame me for wanting to do something as awesome like this.
All this is well and good, but the concept for the mod still needs to be fleshed out, along with the concept art to help develop the idea for it, so it can hopefully be made in the future, 

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