Thursday 31 March 2016

2D game assignment Dev Blog - Week 5

So Warren turned up with something cool this week, a main menu for the game, and stuff.

Well that was the only thing he came up with really.

Yes that's right everyone, our game now has a main menu, one that is animated with flying cars, and what I can only describe as even more flying cars.

Even better was the fact that the menu buttons worked, they loaded levels too, woo.

Honestly when I first saw this I was quite blown away, the whole background with the menu design and moving cars looked so sleek and nice. 

And really that's all Warren did in terms of gameplay. Since then he's disappeared. Some say he's still out there, playing videogames and doing the odd drawing now and then. But in truth we'll never know.

Oh also I gave the character a health system. Awh yeah. Now the player can take damage from triggers (which can act as traps)

Jake (Another group leader who I really wish I was working with) showed me how to make some sweet stuff like enemies and other cool stuff like enemy health. I tied this into the health system which now allowed the player to take damage from enemies. Or as we didn't have enemies yet, giant placeholder images. 

I also tasked Irina to make a sprint system for the player, and she delivered the same day. She didn't just make a sprint system, she also made it so the player would slow down while taking damage which was awesome. 

Finally the game was getting somewhere. 

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