Friday 25 March 2016

Personal work, B17 concept art

This one just really came out of the blue when I was bored one night. 

Behold, the process of making the final image.
First we start with a photo of two sassy bombers from the internet.

Then we cut the bomber in the background out and add some hue to the image to change the color, as well as a background to match the tone. 

Then we fuck up by saving over 30 minutes of progress so we can't go back to show how it was done.

Add some fancy prototype Horten ho 229's, because Bf109's are so 1942, and some more US planes to the scene, maybe even start to add some trails in to help give off the illusion of speed. 

Pushed the fighters into the background and add a bit of color to them to make it seem like they are further away, made the tail of the front bomber look like it took damage. Remove the out of place smoke effect at the bottom. Also add a smoke trail to a B17 in the photo, because it is important to show one B17 getting shot down when depicting a B17 bomber group in any form of media. 

Then I thought the burning bomber was stealing the limelight from the bomber in the foreground, so I moved it away a bit. Oh and also added a bit of color to make it look like it was in the distance. also I removed the terrible flak effects that littered the photo.

I wanted to then add two things, color to the image to make it look like light was coming in from the left side of the photo, and vapour trails to make it seem like there was a dogfight going on in the photo.

The clouds were then changed to match the lighting in the photo, also details on the foreground bomber were changed to give it some personality. Also changed the color of the pilots shirt to match that of bomber pilots of the time. 

The color of the clouds was also changed to match the background.

Also the nose art on the foreground bomber was finished off, snazzy.

Finally I added shadow to the bomber in the image to help it look like sun was coming from the left side, also some propeller blades were added that were missing. Ta-da!

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