Sunday 6 March 2016

Visual arts Steampunk Assignment

As a homework task Steve set us the task of making a Steampunk based concept art.
Initially I wasn't pleased with the task because Steampunk was my least liked style. Never the less I started with the homework.

At first I played around with ideas to do for this task. After much brainstorming I decided to draw an airship. Mainly because airships look cool, and the fact that Steampunk and airships sort of go hand in hand. 

For inspiration I looked at Steampunk airship designs, and real world zeppelins such as the Hindenburg.

After inspiration was found, I then started to draw. 

The first thing I did was make sure I had a nice tone for the setting. As I wanted to draw an airship I decided to make clouds act as the backdrop for the image. I also tweaked the colours to make it look like it was dusk.

After that was done I then made the outline of the zeppelin itself.

To avoid the tedious effort of trying to draw detail into the body of the balloon, I cut out and used a photo of the Hindenburg, and pasted it onto the image using the overlay effect.

Once this was done I then added shadows onto the main zeppelin, and the clouds surrounding it, to help make it look like a real object. After that I then added shineyness to make it look like light was bouncing off from the sun.

To help achieve a sense of scale, and liveliness  I added in biplanes with smoke trails into the image. After that I decided that a city would help make the backdrop more interesting, so I used an image of London which I then edited to fit the scene.

Smoke and steam was then added into the image to make the ship feel alive, and that it was being used in a combat situation of sorts. 

after this was all done I was quite pleased with the image and It's outcome. 

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