Sunday 10 April 2016

Visual Arts, Tree with character

For Visual Arts we were tasked with drawing a Tree with character. Not character as in life like, but as in it game off some sort of setting.

For my tree I decided to draw something dark, brooding and spooky. Like something out of the plaugelands from World of Warcraft. 


Also, looking at real life examples I drew more inspiration for the drawing itself.

I drew some concepts of trees I could use on paper, before choosing the final tree for the Photoshop design.

This is the tree I ended up with, I wanted the main colour to be green, so, I made most of the colors in the image green. Didn't see that coming.

Another landscape drawing, because landscape drawings are love. 
Looking back at the drawing I think it could be improved more, but honestly I'm not sure how. 

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