Monday 18 April 2016

3D Battle Arena, Final post

I have to say I was extremely pleased with the outcome of my battle arena, the cartoon textures worked a charm, and so did the lighting effects that were included.

For effects like rain and fog, I used the particle emitter with a smoke texture for the texture that gets emitted.

Also I added in water and water flowing from the pipe to add to the scene. Sound effects were added too to make it feel like there was rain coming in from the roof. 

The statue also fitted in well, with the textures that were added. Thanks to help with the lighting in the scene I managed to pull off the look I wanted for the arena.
Added to this I also added Alpha textures around the place, such as vines and leafs that were attached to things like pillars.

That being said all the textures in the arena were painted with help of images.

I have to say I was really pleased with the outcome of the arena as a whole, the cartoon look paid off in the end and had a nice outcome.

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